Thursday, September 24, 2009

Here we go again.

Well, it’s been a while, but here I find myself again. It seems like yesterday I sat in this same familiar chair, writing this same familiar sentence. I sat here thinking to myself, “How did I let myself go AGAIN?” However, this time around I’m not going to dwell on what I should have done differently. This time I’m going to do my best to assure myself that I will by no means return to that all too appetizing, mouthwatering, tasty… SHIT!... path of indolent behavior again. Okay, now that I have lain out the foundation of a rather figurative beginning to a “transformation,” and I use that term frivolously being that I have fallen consciously into a gigantic abyss of lardassness (Yes, I made that word up. It’s my blog, and I can do what I want!), I’ll furnish you with some background of how everything is going thus far.

Let me begin by revealing something to you. I repeat, YOU CANNOT SUSTAIN A “DIET” THAT LIMITS YOU TO 1,000 CALORIES PER DAY. And, yes, I made that diet up too. Although I lost a ton of weight, when I removed myself from said diet, I virtually ate the free world into starvation. Malnourishment is not pleasurable, folks. As a result of my deductions, I’m taking an altered approach to dieting this go around. I’m without an engraved scheme of methods at this time, but I’m working that out on a day-by-day approach. I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Predominantly, at this time, my eating consists of low calories, low fat, and reasonably edible food. Now, I’m working out on a consistent basis, which is always the easy part, and I’m running my usual outlandish amounts. That fraction of the equation has always been unproblematic for me. With these preceding steps, some assistance on behalf of supplementation (I’ll get into that further with future post), and primarily hard work along with dedication will have me well on my way to the individual I so desire to see.

And so we begin! I’ll try to have some progress pictures up before long. See you on the other end.

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